Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The system? Or the individuals?

So, the moronic fool who would like to consider himself a journalist is once again spewing stupidity.

Is there any question who "funded" his article practically begging Darius Miles to retire? Who pays his $80,000 salary at KXL? Oh Yeah, the Portland Trail Blazers... talk about your conflict of interests!

At least this time his rubbish was clever. He disguised his stupidity inside a very real and tragic story... and most of his little clone butt kissers just followed suit. Although, seeing how he has literally changed my comments to suit his own ego, who knows what these people ACTUALLY wrote.

Today's article was simple, he was speaking of the recent "incident" involving a youth girls basketball coach. He used that disgusting display of poor sportsmanship to get on his high horse to propose that we eliminate all organized youth sports because the Youth Sports leagues are the reason fools act like him.

Well, that is not why parents and coaches act boorishly. People act boorishly because they are boorish. Period. The reason that it seems that youth sports has gone wild is not the fault of caring parents who want to spend time with their children and help them learn the valuable lessons that sports teach. No, youth sports seem to have gone wild because of the media.

I commented on this today, and, once again, Canzano is too much of a chump to print anything for which he does not have a pre-set argument at the ready. And this was my point to him...

"When was the last time the news covered an event where the coaches DID show good sportsmanship? How many sporting events were held in Oregon on Saturday? And how many GOOD acts of sportsmanship were shown? Where was the coverage of THOSE events? Whose fault is it that the only youth sports news we get exposed to is bad news?

It is the fault of so-called journalists only looking to sell newspapers or advertising.

Where was the media when my son's 6th grade baseball team was being taunted by our opponent... when I told my team that we would stick to our values. We would not taunt back; we would not respond. Instead we would play baseball as a team and have a good time? Nowhere.

Where was the media when that same team played it's final game of the season against a team who could not gain or lose their "playoff" seeding in the final game. Our team was not going to go to the playoffs. Our league was the lowest level of competitive youth baseball... these were not all-stars. Late in the game, my boys were winning by two runs when our opponent decided that since they could not get a hit off of our pitcher, they were going to bunt every single pitch hoping for an error.

As my team started to get angry, frustrated and embarrassed by this tactic... did we call anyone names? No, I simply asked them why they were playing baseball... to have fun... "what is more fun, getting hits or bunting the ball?" Well, the kids unanimously wanted to take their cuts and get hits. That's what we did. We lost the game that day, but we won in spirit because we displayed an immense sportsmanship that could not be touched. We were there to play baseball and have fun. Where was the media?

How about the time my step son was taking his warm-up swings in the on deck circle... only to have one of his team mates not pay attention and walk behind him... getting hit in the nose and breaking it. My step-son was distraught... he wanted to quit playing baseball forever. Seriously, he was ready to quit... then the OPPOSING COACH came over to encourage him to continue playing. He did, and hit a double in that at bat. Where was the media? Why wasn't Canzano out there writing an article?

No, it is not youth sports fault that people act stupid. It is the individual person who is at fault. It is the media's fault for only covering the bad side of youth sports.

And that is sad, because they could have a tremendously positive impact on children and coaches, they just choose not to.

1 comment:

Destroyer77 said...

Keep your comments coming. More people will show up as they catch wind of this.