Thursday, February 28, 2008

Canzano faced with Dilemma?

What, I wonder, will Canzano write about after learning of Kilkenny's donation to the University of Oregon ACADEMICS programs? My guess is that he will accuse Kilkenny of making a self-serving donation to as a simplistic gesture to answer academicians who continually criticize the amount of money donated to athletics while academic giving lags.

Personally, I have ALWAYS disagreed with this theory. But let me first address what I believe will be the back handed attempt by the Bald Faced Moron to, once again, take a personal shot at the University of Oregon. Pat Kilkenny is a businessman first, who has a great love for his alma mater. Pat Kilkenny recognizes the importance of academics at any university. After all, where would ANY of us be without education?

More importantly, Pat recognizes the important role that athletics can play on increasing academic giving. Yes, people will give money for athletics. But think about the mind set of those people who willingly donate money to ANY charitable organization... if a man has already opened his mind to the importance of his contributions to the continuing success of a university's athletics teams, will he not be more open to the concept of similar donations to help the academics programs? I say yes.

It is much more difficult for academic donor seekers to cold-call someone who has never donated a dime to his alma mater than to call the football fan who already gives some form of donation. Athletics donations open the door. More importantly, from Pat Kilkenny's perspective, he is a leader. He is leading Duck fans with actions right now, PROVING he understands the importance of academics.

There does not have to be a battle of the wills between the academics and athletics departments at any university. The goals of the two are NOT mutually exclusive. Oregon is a leader in pro-actively separating it's funding stream from general funds. It is an important step in the evolution of college athletics that the athletics department NOT draw from the general fund. When a university is able to divest itself from supporting it's athletics with general fund money, they inherently have more money for academics.

Furthermore, regardless of what may be said, athletics can be a very rewarding experience for all involved. The values of team work, accountability, respect for authority, leadership, goal setting and learning how to overcome adversity are just as valuable as the lessons learned in a classroom. Without these very vital lessons, a young adult is incomplete as a person.

How is the young business graduate supposed to learn how to thrive in the workplace without these very important concepts? He or she cannot.

Does this excuse everything bad that may happen? Absolutely not. However, it is important to remember that the media only covers what sells. Nothing more, nothing less. Thereby, what is heard when the news plays? the BAD things that athletes do. While members of the media (like Canzano) criticize the actions of a few athletes and their transgressions, do they remember to remind us that said athlete is only one of 85 on scholarship? Does he mention that 99% of the players at said school remain trouble free?

No. Why? Because that does not serve their purpose. Let there be no mistake, local newscasts, local sports shows, even national sports shows have an objective... and honest journalism is not that objective. Advertising dollars ARE that objective.

So while hypocritical chumps like Canzano get on their moral high horse to preach about how "bad" athletes and athletics departments are... ask why he is writing such one-sided stories. Is it because he only cares about the truth and presenting it in a fair and objective manner? Or is it because he recognizes that his job is dependent on advertising dollars and he only prints what he thinks will keep the subscriptions flowing? I know what my answer is... you be your own judge.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh the conflicts of Interest!

Today, Canzano, in his infinite stupidity, writes an article spelling the wonderful virtue that was the TrailBlazers acquisition of James Jones. I have no qualms with this concept, because it was a very good acquisition.

However, I DO have a problem with the conflict of interest that is John Canzano's employment. He is paid through KXL by the Portland TrailBlazers and his most recent columns SHOW who really pays his salary. He is nothing more, now, than an expensive publicist who is also permitted to print personal vendettas through a "journalistic" point of view.

In response to his blog, a fellow Duck fan rightfully asked why John has yet to write about a Beaver player who was involved in a DUI hit and run. This was a SENIOR starter who is on scholarship. If, after all, it is SO imperative, that Canzano write a scathing article about a third string non-scholarship player from the University of Oregon, why is it not imperative to do so when a STARTING Beaver player is involved in a drunken hit & run? I guess because he has no personal vendettas against Mike Riley.

I further pointed out that nothing was written last year when a Beaver baseball player was convicted of theft and fraud DURING the season and not a word was mentioned. His defense.... "well, someone else wrote about it." The point was and still is that CANZANO did not write about it? Why does he only write negative about one state school? Why is it that the boys from Cornholetown are exempt from his "duty" (as he calls it) to report what the news is?

Why? Because he has no integrity or journalistic ethics. He is nothing but a panzy with a pen. He is the kid that wanted to be like the jocks in high school; hung out with them, but got made fun of behind his back.

The fact is he was a loser who couldn't cut it at sports and he has an inferiority complex... that's what his problem with the University of Oregon is... nothing will cure it, but as long as he spews false venom, I will continue to post my own thoughts.

Funny how he once again edited out my commentary about the conflict of interest that is his KXL gig... I guess he knows he has no integrity, he just cannot admit it! What would you expect from a pile of dung loser like him...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The system? Or the individuals?

So, the moronic fool who would like to consider himself a journalist is once again spewing stupidity.

Is there any question who "funded" his article practically begging Darius Miles to retire? Who pays his $80,000 salary at KXL? Oh Yeah, the Portland Trail Blazers... talk about your conflict of interests!

At least this time his rubbish was clever. He disguised his stupidity inside a very real and tragic story... and most of his little clone butt kissers just followed suit. Although, seeing how he has literally changed my comments to suit his own ego, who knows what these people ACTUALLY wrote.

Today's article was simple, he was speaking of the recent "incident" involving a youth girls basketball coach. He used that disgusting display of poor sportsmanship to get on his high horse to propose that we eliminate all organized youth sports because the Youth Sports leagues are the reason fools act like him.

Well, that is not why parents and coaches act boorishly. People act boorishly because they are boorish. Period. The reason that it seems that youth sports has gone wild is not the fault of caring parents who want to spend time with their children and help them learn the valuable lessons that sports teach. No, youth sports seem to have gone wild because of the media.

I commented on this today, and, once again, Canzano is too much of a chump to print anything for which he does not have a pre-set argument at the ready. And this was my point to him...

"When was the last time the news covered an event where the coaches DID show good sportsmanship? How many sporting events were held in Oregon on Saturday? And how many GOOD acts of sportsmanship were shown? Where was the coverage of THOSE events? Whose fault is it that the only youth sports news we get exposed to is bad news?

It is the fault of so-called journalists only looking to sell newspapers or advertising.

Where was the media when my son's 6th grade baseball team was being taunted by our opponent... when I told my team that we would stick to our values. We would not taunt back; we would not respond. Instead we would play baseball as a team and have a good time? Nowhere.

Where was the media when that same team played it's final game of the season against a team who could not gain or lose their "playoff" seeding in the final game. Our team was not going to go to the playoffs. Our league was the lowest level of competitive youth baseball... these were not all-stars. Late in the game, my boys were winning by two runs when our opponent decided that since they could not get a hit off of our pitcher, they were going to bunt every single pitch hoping for an error.

As my team started to get angry, frustrated and embarrassed by this tactic... did we call anyone names? No, I simply asked them why they were playing baseball... to have fun... "what is more fun, getting hits or bunting the ball?" Well, the kids unanimously wanted to take their cuts and get hits. That's what we did. We lost the game that day, but we won in spirit because we displayed an immense sportsmanship that could not be touched. We were there to play baseball and have fun. Where was the media?

How about the time my step son was taking his warm-up swings in the on deck circle... only to have one of his team mates not pay attention and walk behind him... getting hit in the nose and breaking it. My step-son was distraught... he wanted to quit playing baseball forever. Seriously, he was ready to quit... then the OPPOSING COACH came over to encourage him to continue playing. He did, and hit a double in that at bat. Where was the media? Why wasn't Canzano out there writing an article?

No, it is not youth sports fault that people act stupid. It is the individual person who is at fault. It is the media's fault for only covering the bad side of youth sports.

And that is sad, because they could have a tremendously positive impact on children and coaches, they just choose not to.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Darius Miles Column

Now, this is funny, so I am almost always disgusted by the idiocy that is John Canzano, columnist for the Oregonian. Recently he wrote a column about Darius Miles which I thought was a cheap shot not only at Miles, but at Dennis Dixon as well. See, Canzano, while he occasionally has negative things to say about every sports program in the state has a personal vendetta against Mike Bellotti and the Oregon Ducks football team. So, here is what I REALLY wrote on HIS blog:

So, I guess JC knows Darius' whereabouts 24 hours a day. I guess it is not at all possible for Darius to have worked out for 3-4 hours in the morning, taken some court time in the afternoon to work on his game, watched some film then gone to a club after all that. I mean, I guess that is entirely impossible... I guess Darius was in that strip club 24 consecutive hours.

And, apparently, Canzano knows what Darius thinks at all times because he has told us what Darius thinks.

I must admit, though, that Canzano's trench coat and fedora must have been a very effective design... after all, how could he have gotten all that good information without being spotted... the question is, were you already there and got lucky to spot Darius there??? or did you follow him in??? either way... sounds like you'd fit in better at the National Enquirer than at a true periodical...

Maybe it is time for Canzano to retire, after all, he appears to like hanging out at strip clubs waiting to spot NBA players and their entourages... maybe he could go back to journalism school, learn some ethics and become a REAL journalist... but I doubt that will ever happen...

And this is what he changed it to:

Posted by ducks39 on 02/15/08 at 7:30PM

JC: You're an outstanding columnist. I appreciate your viewpoints. Please keep writing the truth.

Talk about your insecure writers. All because in another post, I asked a simple question

"John, does your ex-wife like the anchor woman you cheated on her with?"

You see, he can dish out the negative truths, but he can't take it. He has made himself a public figure with his column and radio gigs making HIS transgressions fair game. Little Johnny boy, though, couldn't handle it.

So, I have created this blog to talk trash and provide the OTHER side of the story. Every time Canzano writes a negative Ducks reference, I am going to blast him. Here, he has NO control over what I say. Every time he writes something that is ridiculous, I am going to refute him here.

For you Beaver Believers that want to bash me for my bias... keep in mind he has written just as much bad about the Beavs as he has the Ducks (well, not as much, but he did start the Fire Mike Riley campaign two years in a row with his columns). This is not about the Ducks, the Beavs, the Blazers or any other team specifically, it is about an ego-maniac who has lost sight of reality and has no credible boundaries nor ANY journalistic integrity. I am sick of his unfettered comments that no one can truly contest without him pouting and crying like the panzy he is.

Don't like what I have to say? Oh well.